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Portfolio Update – 7th May 2023

Another month has gone by, so here’s my newest portfolio update!

As always: I do not encourage anyone to copy my investing strategy. This is not financial advice and is for entertainment purposes only.

Main Portfolio: S&S ISA, LISA, Private Equity, Crypto

Portfolio Breakdown & Illustration

As it currently stands, the portfolio consists of Stocks (87.12%), Private Shares (5.89%), Cash (2.49%) and Crypto (4.49%).

While I’ve made a couple of purchases (see the next section), there isn’t much to report this month. The stock market has been fairly volatile, but on the whole, things have remained similar to previous updates regarding my portfolio. This is purely down to convenient timing, to be honest. I’ve seen wild swings over the last two months, but most of my stocks seem to repeatedly rubber-band back to where they are right now. It’s been interesting, to say the least.

No dividends received this month, for the main portfolio.

Here’s a look at my main portfolio as at 6pm on Sunday 7th May:

Purchases & Sales Since Previous Update

Here’s a breakdown of any purchases or sales of shares, with my reasoning for doing so.

  • BUY: 3 shares of Tesla, increasing my total to 24 shares.
    • REASON: If you’ve seen my previous portfolio updates, you’ll know I love Tesla. So when it fell below ~$170, I bought another 3 shares. Didn’t quite time it perfectly, as it did dip as low as ~$155. But, even so, this is a long-term hold.
  • BUY: 60 shares of Sofi Technologies, increasing my total to 203 shares.
    • REASON: This is somewhat of an underdog bank, in my opinion, which continues to perform well (great Q1 earnings) and is expected to reach profitability by 2024. Not only that, but they’ve continued to increase their deposits despite recent bank failures, so I’m optimistic. A risky stock, but one I intend to hold for the long term.

Secondary Portfolio: SIPP

Portfolio Breakdown & Illustration

As I’ve stated previously, this portfolio is meant to be more ‘stable’, so not much to report here either.

That being said, there was a large (~15%) decline in “First Trust Global Funds plc” due to the huge drop in share price for Tesla and Enphase, among others. On the other end of that, The Restaurant Group saw a large (~15%) rally over the past week. So, the portfolio itself has remained flat, but these two positions have seen their allocation change by a surprising amount.

I received £11.62 in dividends for the month. A small amount, but every little helps!

Here’s a look at my SIPP portfolio as of 6pm on Sunday 2nd April:

SIPP Purchases & Sales Since Previous Update

No purchases or sales were made during the month.

Let’s Discuss

That’s everything from me. I’d love to hear your thoughts as well:

  • What are your thoughts on the portfolio? How does yours compare?
  • What’s your favourite stock or fund to invest in?
  • How do you feel about the UK/US economy over the coming months/years?

Let’s chat in the comments!

Portfolio Update - 7th May 2023

DISCLAIMER: Content on this page is for educational and entertainment purposes only. This is not personal financial advice and should not be taken as such.

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